This week has been a very tough week. I have been wrestling a
lot. I have been crying out and my eyes hurt! The sins of the church are
becoming overwhelming, the state of the government is crippling and the world
seems to be coming to an end before my eyes. I see prophecy being fulfilled,
which is very encouraging. However, the state of man is very frustrating. Speaking
to people is like hitting your head on a cement wall, it is useless!
I was speaking to a good friend this morning, he said that I
remind him of the weeping prophet, Jeremiah. This resonated with me. So I began
to read and study and now I am here testifying of the things I hear and see.
Jeremiah was Gods prophet for more than 40 years. The
leaders of his day did not listen to his warnings. He was rejected by his
family, friends, priests, and prophets alike. He was put into prison and taken
to Egypt against his will. He stood alone as he preached repentance. Some
consider his ministry a failure because no one responded even though the things
he said actually came to pass. However, he stayed faithful to God and the call
on his life no matter what.
Jeremiah spent his days crying out to Gods people, trying to
get them to understand. He preached truth and repentance. God ALWAYS looks for
truth…When truth is not found or when it is lacking, judgment is at hand. Today,
more and more, you find preachers talking about the promises of God but are not
teaching the conditions of the promises. They are like sales men. They are
lacking truth. Truth is not our enemy. In fact, truth is what breaks the chains
of our sins. We cannot be free from our sin and chains, apart from truth.
Jeremiah 5:3-6 (NKJV) O Lord, are not
Your eyes on the truth?
You have stricken them,
But they have not grieved;
You have consumed them,
But they have refused to receive correction.
They have made their faces harder than rock;
They have refused to return.
You have stricken them,
But they have not grieved;
You have consumed them,
But they have refused to receive correction.
They have made their faces harder than rock;
They have refused to return.
4 Therefore
I said, “Surely these are poor.
They are foolish;
For they do not know the way of the Lord,
The judgment of their God.
5 I will go to the great men and speak to them,
For they have known the way of the Lord,
The judgment of their God.”
They are foolish;
For they do not know the way of the Lord,
The judgment of their God.
5 I will go to the great men and speak to them,
For they have known the way of the Lord,
The judgment of their God.”
But these have
altogether broken the yoke
And burst the bonds.
6 Therefore a lion from the forest shall slay them,
A wolf of the deserts shall destroy them;
A leopard will watch over their cities.
Everyone who goes out from there shall be torn in pieces,
Because their transgressions are many;
Their backslidings have increased.
And burst the bonds.
6 Therefore a lion from the forest shall slay them,
A wolf of the deserts shall destroy them;
A leopard will watch over their cities.
Everyone who goes out from there shall be torn in pieces,
Because their transgressions are many;
Their backslidings have increased.
In verse 5 it
says “But these have altogether broken the yoke and burst the bonds,” really
spoke to me and reminded me of Matt 1:28-30. They both talk about the yoke of
oxen. Jesus said His yoke is easy….
Greatness is achieved
not by wealth and power but by the knowledge of God and obedience to Him…
people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
you have rejected knowledge,
also will reject you from being priest for Me;
you have forgotten the law of your God,
also will forget your children.
Notice that the scripture says “My
people.” This is referring to the people of God. The leaders failed to teach
Gods law. It goes on to say that they perish because of their lack of
knowledge. If they had been taught Gods precepts, then they would have been ok.
This should shake us a bit because this is happening today. People are claiming
the promises of God and wondering why they are not experiencing those same promises
in accordance with the word of God. They are baffled, unknowledgeable.
It is interesting, people think
they can live any way they choose but even Jesus said….
Matt 11:28 “Come to Me, all you who labor
and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and
learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for
your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
This scripture is quoted a lot but
people use this scripture incorrectly. When you tell them that they shouldn’t do
this or that, they say you are being legalistic. Notice: “the Yoke is easy and light,” NOT GONE!!!!
Oxen would wear yokes to keep
them on the right track. Without the yoke, they would wander aimlessly and they
would be guided by their own desires, much like the church today.
The yoke in today’s church has
been removed and broken just like is Jeremiahs day:
Verse 5: But these have altogether broken the yoke and burst the bonds…
Jesus said His yoke is easy and
light but many have broken their yoke off completely. Jesus’ yoke naturally directs
our path, if you do not wear it or apply it then you will be exposed to bad
elements and the wild animals of the forest/desert (verse 6). The wild animals
are a picture of foreign nations who will lay siege to our life city, or worse our
Why? Because of our transgressions
and backsliding ways. Many will say that this is an Old Testament story; therefore,
it does not apply today. I would beg to differ.
Jesus preached repentance and so did
many New Testament believers. Whether
repentance is for yesterday or today is not the question, the question is of
the heart.
Again, Jesus said: “19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has
come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their
deeds were evil. 20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not
come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. 21 But he who does the
truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have
been done in God.”
John 3:19-21 (NKJV)
People love their sin more than
they love Jesus… doesn't it grieve your heart? I am not saying that we need to
be sinless, because we can’t. However I am saying that we need to repent, turn
from our sin, deny ourselves and take up our cross (Jesus's yoke)….
4:17(NKJV) From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for
the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
9:23 Then He (Jesus)said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after
Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.
So my question
to you is: Will you take up your cross, deny yourself and follow Jesus or will
you love the darkness and not listen, like in the days of Jeremiah?
Your goal is to
find out what Jesus’ yoke is. What did He preach and teach….many preachers and
pastors have forsaken these teaching so you will have to dig. There are many
different versions of the Bible, start where you need to, and seek God with all
of your heart. Do not rely on man to teach you what you must know.
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