Proverbs 18:19 A brother offended is harder to be won over than a strong city, and [their] contentions separate them like the bars of a castle.
Have you ever felt like there are walls in your life that hinder your walk with God and prevent you from doing the will of God to your full potential? It could be walls around your heart or someone elses heart....I have been doing a study on destroying those walls! We all have hurts and pains in our lives, they will either make us or break us! Its a decision you have to make! If you dont make the decision to destroy those walls you will be a prisoner to them. You need to let God heal you or you won't make it.
Joshua 6
The people where commanded to walk around Jericho once for 6 days; on the 7th day they where to walk around it 7 times. On the first day. Joshua commanded not a word to be spoken (Josh 6:10)....not even a whisper! This, I beleive, was because their ancestors died in the wilderness because they complained grumbled, and murmered about everything they had to do and every trial that came their way. God did miracle after miracle and still they complained matter how many miracles they saw....they would not let God change them and heal them. Because of that, they did not make it to the promise land. It was an 11 day journey that ended up being 40yrs and in the end they still didnt make it to the promise land! God was with them and they refused to trust Him.
They marched around Jericho 7 times on the 7th day, but in order for the walls to come down, the people had to sound the trumpet first. (Josh 6:5)...A trumpet was a sign of Gods presence- used in war, it was used to assemble Gods people together. When the horn was sounded the people where commanded to SHOUT and then the wall would come down.
Ilearn good and bad from our parents. If you walk around with walls around your heart you are carrying around unresolved hurt, jeoulsy, strife, anger, envy, bitterness, outrage, resentment and want to bring it in our court. When we go to church, if we go to prayer passively, no walls will come down. When we asseble together, we are to lift are voices and shout in prayer and praise. When we do this walls come down! When they sound the horn, the spirit of God is present. and where the spirit of God is.... there is liberty. (2Corinthians 3:17) Liberty frees us from sin, death and the condemnation of the law.
Hebrews 11:30 Because of faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they had been encompassed for seven days.
Once those walls come down it is very important not to let anyone rebuild the walls in your heart again. Joshua pronounced a curse on anyone that tried to rebuild the walls.
Josh 6:26 Then Joshua laid this oath on them, Cursed is the man before the Lord who rises up and rebuilds this city, Jericho. With the loss of his firstborn shall he lay its foundation, and with the loss of his youngest son shall he set up its gates.
We will curse our kids.....if we have walls around our say how? Well we hatred. All these are deadly emotions! They can cause you to complain, grumble and murmer; just like the children of Isreal in the wilderness that died after 4o years. They saw miracles, they had God with them and still didnt let God change them....they didnt trust God!
I hope you see the parrelel in our lives today, we draw things out that should take 11 days and make it a lifetime of pain and sufffering. It takes our joy and peace and makes us see our trials bigger than what they really are. I know it is hard to let things go and to let God heal us but we need to walk by faith and beleive that is we are obideint to do what God tells us, no matter how humbling it is...the result will be our freedom and the promise land. There is victory in Jesus! We are the head and not the tail and more than conquerors!
Hebrews 11:30 Because of faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they had been encompassed for seven days.
Once those walls come down it is very important not to let anyone rebuild the walls in your heart again. Joshua pronounced a curse on anyone that tried to rebuild the walls.
Josh 6:26 Then Joshua laid this oath on them, Cursed is the man before the Lord who rises up and rebuilds this city, Jericho. With the loss of his firstborn shall he lay its foundation, and with the loss of his youngest son shall he set up its gates.
We will curse our kids.....if we have walls around our say how? Well we hatred. All these are deadly emotions! They can cause you to complain, grumble and murmer; just like the children of Isreal in the wilderness that died after 4o years. They saw miracles, they had God with them and still didnt let God change them....they didnt trust God!
I hope you see the parrelel in our lives today, we draw things out that should take 11 days and make it a lifetime of pain and sufffering. It takes our joy and peace and makes us see our trials bigger than what they really are. I know it is hard to let things go and to let God heal us but we need to walk by faith and beleive that is we are obideint to do what God tells us, no matter how humbling it is...the result will be our freedom and the promise land. There is victory in Jesus! We are the head and not the tail and more than conquerors!
Be quite, don't talk about your problems, rehursing them over and over. Dont complain, grumble and murmer!
Assemble with Gods people, pray with Gods people and Praise with Gods people. This is the only way you will experiance liberty. By faith , this will make the walls come down.
Don't rebuild the walls....dont grumble, complain and positive! Guard your heart! Don't let anyone else rebuild them either....talking about their problems, constantly rehearing the issues they have with you.
We all need to find balance in this, there is a time to talk about things and a time to just trust God....You need to be the judge of what is healthy and unhealthy! God will help you decern this if you are sensitive to his spirit.
The way we get sensitive to Him is dying to ourselves, He must increase and you must decrease.
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