Saturday, October 02, 2010

My tantrum!

Job 16:2-5 (The Message)

If You Were in My Shoes
 1-5 Then Job defended himself:

"I've had all I can take of your talk.
   What a bunch of miserable comforters!
Is there no end to your windbag speeches? 

   What's your problem that you go on and on like this?
If you were in my shoes,
   I could talk just like you.
I could put together a terrific harangue
   and really let you have it.
But I'd never do that. I'd console and comfort,
   make things better, not worse!

Isn't it funny, how we can look at someone and come to a conclusion about them without ever taking the time to understand them. We think we understand things and we think we can judge books without reading them! The longer I serve God....the more I see everyone judges (including myself).....and usually it is incorrect! I can easily look at someones life and think how foolish a person is being... because the actions they are taking! We see the actions people take and become Jobs counselors so quick!

I want to try and understand people....I don't want to jump to conclusions! While I was not talking for a week, I experienced this so much. People automatically assumed they knew what I was going to say... before I had a chance to even say it.

Biggest thing that gets me often we justify ourselves and then give no mercy to the next person!

Bottom line is....the will of God in your life is the will of God for you! I know that there are basic guidelines for all Christians... but when it comes to the details....please put away your magnifying glass and pray for me! God is big enough to reveal His will to me and I will be the only one to face God for my life and I will be the one to give Him an account for my life!

This is the first time God has really shown me how ugly this is.....I have been guilty of the same thing! I cant believe how shallow we are.

Job 16:5 (New King James Version)
But I would strengthen you with my mouth,
And the comfort of my lips would relieve your grief.

We love God...we want to do everything we can.....sometimes we can't......just like you. There is a time for everything, balance is required in using the word of God correctly.
Discernment is rooted in love and if there is no love it is being critical!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is great. I agree whole heartedly . . . and I will be the first to say I judge myself daily. You make me proud Renee and you have given me good advice. I love you so much and think about you all the time. Love you with all my heart. Aunty Laura
