Monday, October 11, 2010

The Silent Killer

No one thinks they have it, it sneaks up on you when you least expect it. Some of the symtoms are being short tempered with people, getting frustrated if they dont understand something or do something you think they should do. Getting into heated discussions, always thinking your right in arguements. Having input about stuff that is none of your business. The more you understand something, or think you understand something; the more you need to be checking yourself for this.
I recently had to ask myself if I was full of pride. Pride hides itself, is disguses itself. Pride will tear your life apart! It ruins relationships, it offends people and you can give Christ a bad name.

1 Corinthians 8:1-3 (Amplified Bible)
NOW ABOUT food offered to idols: of course we know that all of us possess knowledge [concerning these matters. Yet mere] knowledge causes people to be puffed up (to bear themselves loftily and be proud), but love (affection and goodwill and benevolence) edifies and builds up and encourages one to grow [to his full stature]. If anyone imagines that he has come to know and understand much [of divine things, without love], he does not yet perceive and recognize and understand as strongly and clearly, nor has he become as intimately acquainted with anything as he ought or as is necessary.
But if one loves God truly with affectionate reverence, prompt obedience, and grateful recognition of His blessing], he is known by God recognized as worthy of His intimacy and love, and he is owned by Him].

Thinking you have discernment but really you are being critical. 
Discerment is rooted in love, discerment without love is being critical.

1 Corinthians 4 (The Message)
14-16 I'm not writing all this as a neighborhood scold just to make you feel rotten. I'm writing as a father to you, my children. I love you and want you to grow up well, not spoiled. There are a lot of people around who can't wait to tell you what you've done wrong, but there aren't many fathers willing to take the time and effort to help you grow up. It was as Jesus helped me proclaim God's Message to you that I became your father. I'm not, you know, asking you to do anything I'm not already doing myself.

Another symtom is not listening or interrupting. Even better, there is a big conversation and you get in it, but what you say is not even the subject being talked about. Just wanting to look li,e you know something.

1 Corinthians 4:18-20 (The Message)
I know there are some among you who are so full of themselves they never listen to anyone, let alone me. They don't think I'll ever show up in person. But I'll be there sooner than you think, God willing, and then we'll see if they're full of anything but hot air. God's Way is not a matter of mere talk; it's an empowered life.

God help us to grow in love, help us to knock down the walls that hurt us so very much! Help to mature and beleive You have everything in contrtol! We don't need to put our hands in everything! Help us to see where our hearts are and motive are. Remind us when we are not doing what You want us to. Help us be humble, pateint and gentle.

James 4:6 (The Message)
You're cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of God and his way. And do you suppose God doesn't care? The proverb has it that "he's a fiercely jealous lover." And what he gives in love is far better than anything else you'll find. It's common knowledge that "God goes against the willful proud; God gives grace to the willing humble."

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