Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Compassion v. Fear; how should we witness?

The big controversy on how to outreach….show them love or make them fearful. Oh how we love to go back and forth about this subject in the church. We swear that the other “group” is wrong and we insist on our way. Well I stumbled across this verse and my heart leapt within me. I know I have used both techniques to bring people to repentance.  

Ultimately it depends on the person you are dealing with. You need to be led by the spirit. If you go up to a hard core sinner and ask if you can give them a hug, you may get a bullet in return for your “love.” It will not get you too far. They will think you are crazy, loony and gay (sorry for the expression but it works)!

And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. Jude 22-23 (KJV) 

Right away I am sure I have people saying that is not really what fear means. 

1. Fear in this text is the Greek word phobos. It means “to be put in fear.”  Fear, dread, and terror. It really means FEAR. 

2. Compassion (for all you crazy people like me) is the Greek word eleeō, which means to have mercy on, help one afflicted or seeking aid, to bring help to the wretched, and to experience mercy. 
It is easy for us to understand that everyone has different ways they learn in school, so I am not really sure why this concept is so hard to grasp. It may be our society pounding the politically correctness down our throat. 

I have two biological daughters. When I was raising them, I disciplined them completely different. One constantly needed a spanking. Of course the other one was not affected by spankings. It actually was counterproductive. Different personalities require different techniques. 

Another good illustration is when you have a 2 year old and he/she runs into a street. You need to do whatever it takes to be sure that child understands that running into the street will cause death of very serious injury if they do it again. Of course the child doesn't understand death yet so you communicate in a way that child understand…. BECAUSE YOU LOVE THEM. You do not want anything bad to happen to them. We all heard our parents say “this hurts me more than you,” when they were spanking us. We didn't believe it, it actually sounded ridiculous to be honest. However, now that I am an adult it is the truth, I actually understand what they meant. 

The same goes for telling people the truth of their sin. It is the hardest thing to actually do. It is uncomfortable. It makes you feel like the enemy sometimes, and to make things worse, your fellow peers look down on you for doing it, just like spankings lol. When you know it is what that person needs, you do it anyways because you want to see them alive. Whether it be a child not running into the street or holding a friends hand to hell. You just do not let it continue without saying something. 

We have certain obligations to others. 

1. We need to show mercy to any kind of spiritual or physical need.
2. We need to use discernment (making a distinction).
        a.  Some require tender care and patience to help them grow in Christ
        b. Some will require a drastic action to rescue them from the temptation of sin
3. Use caution that way you do not get caught up in the sin that caused them to fall. 

I actually have experienced both extremes in churches I have attended. We need to bring the pendulum into the middle and be led by the spirit, using discernment.  We need to understand that it is a matter of life and death for the people we talk to. No matter how hard it is, we need to listen and snatch then from the enemy’s hand. I encourage you today, as you go, He is with you and He is pleased with you. We are all growing and learning, so please do not judge another’s technique, God may have told them to say the things you are judging.  We are all on the same team, and we all ultimately want the same thing. You focus on what God is telling you to do (it will take your focus off the others). 

I would not be here today if it wasn't for a courageous woman of God that explained to me the way of salvation. She told me God was not please with my lifestyle, she prayed with me and hard preaching is what ultimately saved me. If you would have tried to hug my or tell me Jesus loved me, no change would have come. In fact, I would have laughed at you. I am not downing this technique, I am merely explaining that one size doesn't fit all. 

Ultimately, it is God who anoints the words and know that he loves it when we reach out to others. 

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